Tania's story

Chelsea (Australian Cattle Dog) now has a beautiful thick coat, shiny eyes and fantastic teeth. Max (American Staffordshire Terrier) was diagnosed with a kidney problem and his levels were under normal since he was 5 months old. Since changing in the last 12 months and since his last test, his levels have come back to a mid-normal range. The vet could not believe how the levels improved in a dog of middle age. He wanted to know what I was feeding him and what was actually in the food. He also said his kidneys are obviously coping very well with the food and amount I am feeding him. I cannot stress to family and friends how good your products are. It just makes so much more sense than feeding them something that’s not natural. I am so glad we made the switch, as my dogs are a walking example of how changing to a raw diet actually improved their health. - Tania