Macie's Story

I honestly truly believe that the new stress and anxiety probiotic has taken the edge off Macie even more! I didn't think it would be possible because she's so highly anxious and medicated daily already but it ABSOLUTELY does!
Last night’s storm would typically send Macie into complete panic and it would be incredibly overwhelming for both of us. I'd have to sedate her and sometimes that doesn't even really help until she is so worn out and eventually just falls asleep after hours and hours of fighting the sedation and panic!
I'm never able to usually sit or lie down anywhere without her completely climbing all over me in complete dissociated panic. I went and laid down on my bed and do you know what Macie did, she went and laid down on the floor next to the bed and rested there MID STORM!
I looked back and the previous few storms she has managed fairly well and I just didn’t recognise it. And the ONLY thing that is different is that she started on the stress and anxiety probiotic when it was released.
It just blows my mind and I'm so impressed and so grateful! You have no idea how much it has helped both her and I in such a difficult time! so to whoever created it THANK YOU!
Macie was suddenly and acutely very unwell last week and had horrible amounts of vomiting and diarrhoea and I had to rush her to the vet!
She hasn't had any type of gut issues or diarrhoea for at least 5 years and she got over that last week in less than 36 hours! She was back to normal poos and no vomiting just lethargic! You just don't realise how overall "healthy" your dogs are until they are suddenly not and it's time like this that you realise just how grateful you are for the food and supplements, she is on to allow her to be so physically healthy almost all of her 7.5 years!
I just am feeling incredibly grateful today and can really appreciate the dedication, time and care and I'm sure a lot of stress it takes to create such high-quality products for our beloved babies!
I am so grateful to have my girl in such a healthy condition which allows me to not have to stress anywhere near as much about her too!
- Steph