Lu-Bu's Story

The Quinn family would like to express how overwhelmingly happy we are to have discovered Big Dog Prepared Raw Meals. We have been avid Raw feeders for the last ten years and try our hardest to spread awareness about the corruption among pet food industries.
I am writing this email because we are not only thoroughly impressed with the ingredients, nutrient balance, packaging, and quality but have stellar feedback in other areas.
We picked up our new pup on the 20th of August. His name is Lu-Bu. He was in a terrible condition. He was full of worms, was emaciated, had next to no stomach biome, infection was rampant, he was suffering chronic digestive distress and had all the signs of moderate rickets due to vitamin D deficiency (no sunlight) and malnutrition. He was 5.6kg on pickup at 8 weeks when his breed average should be 9kg, that is 3.4kg underweight! Blood tests showed anemia, extreme white blood cell count (infection) dangerously low calcium:phosphorus balance and uptake and thyroid distress.
We usually source our own products for feeding but we chose to start him on your Big Dog Turkey mix due to it being the most suitable for his weak, sensitive and distressed system, sanitary and safely packaged for thawing and perfectly balanced nutrition.
Lu-Bu was terribly ill and undeformed until the moment his tongue hit that turkey! He had ZERO negative digestive responses to the food even in his very weak state. He acted as if he had been saved doing happy dances and showing his love to us. He has been eating 1kg a day since Sunday and is an unbelievable 9.3kg today just 5 days after his bones were showing, his muscles felt like jelly and he was too sore to do much. Today he has next to no signs of poor health, has an impressive muscle tone, has successfully combated the infections all on his own (and Big Dog PetFood) to the point i have had to show vets his blood work evidence and photos for them to believe me about his condition as they did not think it was possible! I take that as a giant compliment and I feel The Big Dog team should take some credit for a recovery rate that experts call "impossible."
Thank you again to the team for making and supplying healthy and honest pet food at fair prices.
- Simon & Lu-Bu
PS. Pictures are with 4 days difference