How much do I feed my pet?

You will find feeding recommendations on each product page on our site, you will also find feeding guides on our packaging.

Our feeding guidelines are just a general guide but it’s a great starting point when working out how much to feed your pet. It’s important to remember that each animal is an individual and your pets’ metabolism, breed, size, age and activity level may affect their overall nutritional requirements. You may find that other food brands and DIY recipes have different guidelines and percentages based on their nutritional content.

Our feeding tables for our patty recipes generally round up to the nearest convenient amount such as a half or a whole patty, but don’t be afraid to feed in quarters either, especially for smaller eaters. Always feed the dog in front of you and just use our suggestions as a guide - you know your dog + their metabolism, activity level and quirks best.

As a general guide, based on the nutritional content of our Big Dog raw food, we recommend feeding adult dogs 2% and puppies, pregnant and lactating dogs or working dogs 4% of their body weight daily. This is just a suggestion - always feed the dog in front of you. You can use our healthy weight guide to help you.

As a general guide, based on the nutritional content of our Big Dog raw food, we recommend feeding adult cats 2-3% of their body weight daily and kittens 4-6%. This is just a suggestion - always feed the cat in front of you. You can use our healthy weight guide to help you.